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Student Program

IEEE CSS Student Support

Program Details

The Student Travel Support of MSC 2016 is meant to enable promising students to attend the conference, present their papers and become more integrated into their scientific community. Funds from IEEE Control System Society (CSS) will be used to cover the student registration. Depending on the number of applications, additional support might be possible covering, for example, accommodation in a hotel near the conference venue.

Eligibility and Requirements

Each applicant (i) must be an author or co-author of a paper accepted for presentation at MSC 2016, (ii) must register at the conference (please see further instructions below), and (iii) must present a paper.

Moreover, the applicant must be a (student) member of both IEEE and CSS, at the time of the application.

In case the number of applicants exceeds the budget, additional criteria will be used to make a selection among the applicants. These additional criteria, in decreasing order of importance, prefer applicants who

  • have not benefited from this scheme in the last two years,
  • will present more than one paper at the conference,
  • have been student members of the CSS since one, two, or more years,
  • can demonstrate active participation in CSS.

In addition, the selection committee may decide to limit awards where more than one presenter from the same institution would otherwise be offered an award to attend the same conference.

Application Procedures

To apply, students must fill in the form available at (login: student, password: ieeecss2016), convert it into the PDF format, and upload it through PaperPlaza as follows: Step 1: Select Submit a paper or session proposal for the MSC 2016
Step 2: Select First Submissions: Student Travel Form
Step 3: To complete the application procedure, the Student's Advisor must contact via e-mail Professor Luca Zaccarian, Chair of Student Activities Committee of the IEEE Control Systems Society (), and provide him with the following information:
1. Certification that the applicant is currently enrolled as a student and is planning to attend and present a paper at the MSC 2016.
2. Short message of support of the Student's application (less than 10 lines).

Deadlines and Award Notification

July 1 (or earlier): Decision letters about papers submitted to MSC 2016 are sent out.
July 6: Deadline for applying for the student travel support.
July 12 (tentative): Decision messages about travel support recipients are expected to be sent out.

Important: Do not register until you have received the decision letter where the details of the special registration procedure for Student Travel Awardees will be announced. Please be aware that the registration fee can potentially not be reimbursed in case you have already registered using the standard registration procedure.

July 15: Deadline for registering and uploading the final version of the manuscript.

If additional support, beyond registration, is awarded, original receipts will be needed for reimbursement. Details and procedures regarding reimbursement will be distributed, if needed.

Best Student Paper Award


To recognize excellence in an MSC paper contribution whose primary contributor is a Student Member of the IEEE.


Originality, clarity, and potential impact on practical applications or theoretical foundations of control.


To be eligible, the primary and first listed author must be a student at the time of original submission and have a current IEEE membership for the year 2016, and the paper must have been accepted for presentation at the MSC 2016. Nominations have to be provisionally made by May 15, 2016, following the procedure outlined below.


Nominations must be made by the student's major professor (advisor) through PaperPlaza by May 15, 2016.

  1. Fill out the nomination form
  2. Submit the form for Best Student Paper Award by following: Start => Submit a paper or session proposal links. Then submit the nomination by clicking the "Submit" link next to Paper Award Nomination.

Important Information

The nominating form must be filled out in full containing the following information:

  1. A paragraph certifying that the nominee is the main author of the paper, was a student at the time of the nomination and has a current IEEE membership for the year 2016. The student's IEEE membership number must be included in the nominating letter.
  2. A paragraph with a brief description of the contribution of the paper and the main reason why the paper is being nominated for the award.
  3. The advisor's telephone number and e-mail address.
  4. Session code and the original submission number assigned by PaperPlaza.
  5. Nominations are limited to one per advisor.


Certificate laminated on a plaque and travel expenses to the MSC for one recipient (round trip restricted (minimal) coach air fare, conference registration, and up to 4 conference-rate hotel-nights for a 3-day conference, and up to 5 conference-rate hotel-nights for a 4-day conference). All finalists receive certificates and free student conference registrations.


Funded by the IEEE Control Systems Society (General Chair includes this in the budget as a conference expense).


At the MSC banquet or special event.

For information on the award, please contact Alessandro Beghi ().


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